Do you find yourself in a season of low energy and/or a lack of motivation? You might find yourself in this space because of the COVID-19 pandemic, or perhaps it’s just a season of lower motivation, or maybe a mental struggle (like anxiety or depression) has left you feeling paralyzed or with a loss of interest in normal activities. Regardless of what brings you into this season, I want to offer you some help in increasing energy which could lead to an increase in motivation.

Energy Inventory

The first step to increasing energy is to take a step back and evaluate what gives you energy in the first place. I challenge you to write out a basic schedule of what you did over the last week. Grab two different color pens or highlighters. Circle or highlight with one color the things that took your energy, and then do the same for what gave you energy. Note: this isn’t putting them into “good” or “bad” categories, it’s just assessing them for what they are. For instance, helping my kids with their school works takes a lot of energy out of me, but it’s still a good thing for me to do and prioritize.

Then, think about your life in general, maybe over the last few months and do the same. Add to your list of what gives you energy. For example, some of the things that give me energy are morning walks, cooking meals, reading fiction books, client appointments, quiet time alone in my house, and sitting outside in the sun. Ha ha. Betcha can’t tell from this list I am an Introvert? Anyways, all of our lists are going to look very different. That’s okay.

If this is a season for you where you just feel completely drained, I encourage you to look for little moments, small activities that made you feel alive, even for a moment. In addition, think back to more energizing times in your life, what were you doing more of or less of. Use that to make your list.

I also need to say, in this world filled with unique people, different personalities and a spectrum of those from Introvert to Extrovert, we are all going to have different energy levels. Some of us are just lower energy people and that’s okay. This time of reflection needs to come with some acceptance. That being said, no matter your personality style, there are things that give you energy and allow you to stay motivated to do the things you need and want to do.

A holistic approach

We can’t have a conversation about energy without having a conversation about your holistic health. With this, I mean a good look at your physical health in addition to the emotional and mental health we normally discuss. We are holistic beings. I would be lying if I said we can just look at your mental and emotional health to help you feel better. Our physical health ties in closely with our overall emotional and mental stability and health. When was the last time you evaluated your diet/nutrition or your exercise/movement?

Next steps

So where do we go from here? Take a look at your list of things that give you energy and things that take it away. Are there any items on the list of energy-takers that you need to eliminate from your life? AND where can you add in the energy-givers to your life this week. This past week, my husband and I started to reincorporate morning walks back into our lives. Crazy that in only a week, I can already tell the difference. Time alone is a huge one for me and specifically a challenge for me right now. I have to be really intentional about squeezing some of that into my daily life.

What does energy have to do with motivation?

When we have more energy, and we are doing the right life-giving activities, we are naturally going to be more motivated. If you want to read more about motivation, check out my two-part series:

Motivation Part 1: Do you have to “feel” like it to do it?

Motivation Part 2: Act your way to a new feeling

Need more help?

Still struggling, or feel like anxiety, depression, or other adversity in your life is holding you back, contact us to see if counseling might help you get back on track.

Watch this video to learn more