I want to tell you a secret…shhh…don’t tell anyone…I don’t always feel like writing for this blog each week. Now, this does not mean I don’t still have passion for my business, my clients, and sharing my thoughts; it just means that some days, just like you, there are things on my to-do list that I do not feel like doing and I struggle with motivation. So how funny that today, when I don’t feel like doing much of anything, I look at my list and on it says, “Write blog-topic=motivation.” So, let’s just have an honest conversation about motivation and what needs to be in place in order to get something done.

Do you have to feel like it to have motivation?

Generally, most people assume they need to feel like doing something in order to do it. They want to have more motivation, but they don’t know how. This is very obvious in my clients that struggle with depression. Now, let me preface by saying that depression is a valid mental illness and has many levels of severity. So everyone’s “to do list” is going to look different. For some, it can be a long list including items that take deep thinking or intense creativity, for others, just getting out of bed is the only “item” on their list for the day. Also, I am NOT saying that there are not times we need to give ourselves grace, honor our needs and step away from the daily grind. I am talking more about doing the things we know we need to do to achieve better mental health.

Ask yourself, do you need to feel like doing something in order to do it? Think things like cooking, working out, getting up early, fasting from social media, etc.

GUESS WHAT…did you know you DO NOT have to feel like doing something in order to do it?

I know, it may seem obvious as you read it, but really challenge yourself to think about how many times we say or think “I don’t feel like it” and it keeps us from making a home cooked meal, getting out of bed when our alarm goes off, or taking a daily walk. We start to make justifications (some might even call them excuses) as to why we don’t have to do that thing we know we should be doing.

SO…how do you do the things when you don’t feel like doing them? Tune in next time for Part 2 to find out the HOW!!

Contact us if you struggle to get out of bed, or you find yourself disengaging from activities. This could be a sign of depression.

Check out my part one video: https://youtu.be/NoFgUBdpx9A