Trying softer is…”com[ing] out of survival mode…experiencing tenderness toward who you are…the path that leads to true connection and joy…and paying compassionate attention to our own experiences and needs.” (page 6)

At the beginning of 2020, I chose the word Gentle as my word of the year. “Try Softer” was the first book I read related to my theme. God knew exactly what I needed to hear. Kolber’s writing style, tenderness and personal story will pull you in from the beginning. Living in a world of pushing through, “white knuckling,” pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps, and gritting our teeth, has led to a culture of exhaustion, disconnectedness, and shame. I encourage you to grab a cozy blanket and lean into the message Kolber delivers in this book that shares a message so many of us need to hear.  

About the author

Aundi Kolber is a mental health therapist, author, and speaker from Colorado. This is her first book. Kolber has extensive training in trauma counseling and trauma-informed approach. I personally enjoy listening to Aundi on her Instagram and Facebook accounts along with many great podcasts interviews. She has a way of pulling you in and making you feel seen and heard as she talks on videos or podcasts. You can learn more about her on her website,

Book summary

In her book, Kolber combines education around how our bodies and our brains work, how God designed us, practical exercises and her own personal journey. She does all of this with grace and compassion. Kolber has a way of teaching the readers about trauma (and our past experiences) and how they affect the brain and body in a way that is approachable and not too clinical. She also invites the reader to get in tuned with our bodies and our emotions in order to better know how to respond. All along the way, as she informs the reader, she provides practical, evidenced-based exercises to apply what you learn. The themes of trying softer, having more self-compassion and decreasing the power of our inner critic are woven all throughout the book.

This book is for you if…

…you struggle with past experiences and trauma that get in the way of thriving.

…you want to set better boundaries.  

…you are stuck in survival mode.

…you don’t know how to get in touch with or process your emotions.  

…you like practical applications for the concepts you read about.

…you have a loud inner critic.  

…you desire to understand how God has wired our bodies, brains, and personalities.

…you want to be seen, heard, and understood when it comes to your experiences.

Need more help?

While this book can be very helpful, if you struggle with deeper anxiety, depression, or past trauma, you may benefit from a counselor who can journey through these concepts with you. Contact us today to see if we might be a good fit.

Get your own copy

Get your copy of “Try Softer” here.