Just like choosing a name for your child, choosing a name for your business can be intimidating. This name will tell your customers something about the business, and it’s such a large part of your overall brand. As I started working through the logistics of setting up my business, the name was an important element, and one to which I gave a lot of thought. Many people may not even realize what is involved in the process, but you have to register your name with the state. Part of this is doing a search to see if the name is even available.

The first step in deciding on a name was to think about, who are my clients? Who are the people that I am hoping will walk through my door? What are these clients looking for in their lives? What do I want them to feel when they interact with me and my business? For those last two questions, some words that came to mind were peace, joy, tranquility, serenity, warmth, growth, and restoration. We then took each of these words and played around with how they may fit into a name. When I came to the word restoration, I explored other forms of the word which is where I came across Restorative. Upon reading the definition, I knew it was a top contender!

Restorative means having the ability to restore health, strength, or a feeling of well-being. I believe, most of my future clients will be looking to restore many of these areas of their lives. I can’t wait to be a part of the restorative healing that happens for those that spend time in my office.

Learn more about Restorative Counseling Center and the services we offer.