Finding yourself more tired lately? I have definitely been noticing it for myself and those close to me. I came to a conclusion the other day that I believe it’s from constantly living on the edge of uncertainty. When we live with so much unknown and so many things are uncertain, we feel like we are living on the edge…waiting for that next step…the next stone to fall out from under our feet.

The roller coaster ride

Over the last few weeks of this pandemic, many of us have been living in fight or flight mode. We wake up every day needing to adapt to new changes. This can be a normal part of life, but the intensity and pace at which we are doing it during these times in not normal, it can be more than our bodies can handle. Just when we think we have things figured out, governing bodies add a new restriction, or make a new recommendation or suggestion. It’s quite the roller coaster…just when things seem to level out, you begin climbing a new hill, or crashing straight down another.

You know what this reminds me of? When a woman is pregnant and her belly grows faster than what her brain can adjust to. For instance, I remember being 6, 7, 8 months pregnant and turning to go through a doorway and ramming my belly into the door frame. Or opening the fridge door right into my belly. My body was changing faster than my brain could register.

In today’s world, our minds are constantly playing catch up to the latest news, the latest closures, the latest changes in our daily lives. It requires a lot of mental energy which in turn, affects our physical energy. Living on this edge of unknown, uncertainty is the perfect storm for anxiety, depression and issues with stress management.

Importance of self-compassion during difficult times

Last week, I talked about self-compassion. That needs to come into play here. I find I am consistently asking myself, “what does my body need” or “what does my mind need?” And more often than before it needs rest…or movement…or nutrition. It needs its basic needs met. It needs a break. It’s tired. And frequently, I need to give myself permission to rest. Typically, when I am stressed, that kicks me into overdrive and I tend to be really productive, or at least busy. This season has been different for me. I operated like that for the first week or so, but then my body paid for it. Can you relate?

Settling in

On a positive note, I do find that although the cases of COVID continue to rise, and there are many restrictions in place, myself and my family are starting to settle in to this new routine. Every day is not smooth and there are still days when emotions are high, but overall, we are adjusting. I am encouraged by this, although at the same time antsy to return to some parts of our old normal. I am relishing in the moments that I feel settled, and when I find myself on that edge, I notice…pay attention…and seek to find what my body needs in that moment. In addition, I am proactively allowing more rest and relaxation which is leading to less falling off the edge.

Having a hard time managing or coping during this, or any difficult season, contact us for help.

Check out more in this video.