Last week, I talked about the importance of self-care in order for you to be fully present with others during the other parts of your day. Today I would like to share simple ways to weave self-care into the nooks and crannies of our lives.

Although I don’t like the word busy (we will tackle that concept in another future blog post), many of us lead packed lives. It’s hard to imagine where self-care might fit in to our already full calendars.

Quick, easy self-care activities:

  • Take a hot shower or bath with your favorite soap/body wash
  • Listen to the music of your choice when in the car
  • Wake up early to exercise
  • Drink lots of water
  • Get outside
  • Take a nap
  • Enjoy a moment with someone you love, without taking pictures
  • Go to bed early
  • Go to a coffee shop by yourself
  • Read a book for pleasure
  • Go for a walk on your lunch hour or after dinner
  • Schedule a night out with friends
  • Make a playlist of your favorite, energy giving songs
  • Meditate for 5 minutes

Making self-care a priority

Like anything else, self-care has to be done with intentionality or you will not do it. Each of us has time in our schedule to fit in at least one of these activities in to our days. It’s about making it a priority. What’s keeping you from taking care of yourself? Many times, our excuses get in the way. We can be our own worst enemy. Sometimes its poor habits, or lack of good habits, that prevent us from taking care of ourselves. We cannot be the best version of ourselves to others when we are not first taking care of ourselves. It can start with as simple as 5 minutes a day and work up from there.

Which activity could you plan to add to your day today?