I am seeing the exhaustion, the weariness, the overwhelm, the anxiety of so many around me. While self-care has been a buzz word for a while now, and many have learned the importance of taking care ourselves, it might look a little different right now. So many things have been shut down, opportunities for social engagement are down, and not everyone is comfortable going out and about. I want to encourage you to rethink the definition of self-care. Instead of grand gestures like getting your nails done, going out to dinner with friends, going on vacation…let’s think of how we can care for ourselves in the little, small moments…in the nooks and crannies. Keep reading for 25+ self care ideas.

Self-care also means self-compassion

Taking care of ourselves also includes being nice to ourselves. If you are a woman, wife, mom, coworker, business owner, or many other titles, you may find yourself at the bottom of your to-do list. It may also be difficult for you to envision a plan for how to incorporate self-care into your already full life. You may also find that you are the most critical of yourself. Self-care is more than just taking time out for ourselves, it’s how we treat ourselves emotionally and mentally. Many of us have a loud inner critic. What does yours say to you? How do you respond? This is part of self-compassion. Are you gentler with your friends than you are with yourself? Do you respond with compassion to your friend, but beat yourself up for not being enough or not being good enough?

Self-care ideas

Below is a list of ways to take care of yourself in the little moments…to show yourself compassion, grace and love:

  • Putting your hand over your heart and taking deep breaths
  • Positive self-talk or mantras
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Making healthy eating choices, but also allowing treats
  • Body acceptance
  • Brain dump (make a list of all of the things in your head in order to “let it go”)
  • Treating/helping/encouraging yourself like you would a friend who was in a similar situation

I also asked some friends for their ideas, and I was so impressed by the creative ways that they showed themselves care in the nooks and crannies of their lives. My friends are the best; I love this list. Here are their suggestions:

  • Pray
  • Read devotional
  • Put on make up
  • Bath/shower
  • Run/workout
  • Read fiction
  • Water plants
  • Listen to music
  • Light a candle
  • Drink favorite hot drink
  • Sit in the sun
  • Daydreaming of travel
  • Mindfulness/pay attention to five senses
  • Journaling (specifically gratitude)
  • Spend time with pets
  • Play a favorite electronic game
  • Take a break from screens
  • Beauty treatment
  • Dancing

Try one of these the next time you notice the first warning signs of exhaustion, irritability, or bitterness. Take a quick moment to love yourself and show yourself some compassion. Struggle with this and/or feel unworthy of this kind of love? Contact us to chat through your hesitations.

Learn more in this video.

About the author

Nicole Fryling, MA, LLPC is a licensed professional counselor in the state of Michigan and a graduate of Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. She finds energy in her work as a counselor when she is working with women who feel stuck and those wanting to restore hope for a better, more enriching life. She is also passionate about coming alongside those who want to incorporate their spirituality and relationship with God in their healing journey. Nicole sees clients in person in Hudsonville, MI and can also provide services online to any resident of the state of Michigan.