I have shared other book recommendations in the past, but as we focus on relationships this month, I thought I would share a few books I recommend on the topic.

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

I have shared this book in my last list, but it’s just so good that I need to include it in this category as well. So often, each person in a committed relationship can feel like they are showing love to their partner, but somehow, they are missing each other. We all show love and receive love a little differently. Knowing the various love languages can help us show and feel more love in our relationships. If you like this concept, and you have children, I also highly recommend The Five Love Languages for Children.

Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend

Again, another book I have mentioned in the past, but a relationship classic. If you are in difficult or toxic relationships, this book is a must read for you. Taking control of what you can own in your relationships can be so empowering.

The DNA of Relationships by Dr. Gary Smalley

With chapter titles like, “the dance that destroys relationships,” “take personal responsibility,” “creating a safe environment,” “listen with the heart,” “what we can change,” and “you can make a difference,” I think you can see that this book offers a lot of practical, applicable data and advice.

The Path Between Us by Suzanne Stabile

If you enjoy the Enneagram, or it has helped you in your own personal journey, this book can help you learn how to apply that knowledge to relationships. It specifically walks you through each number and how it relates to each of the other numbers. This knowledge can aid in experiencing healthier relationships.

The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian

Another classic that I can’t recommend highly enough. Once we accept that fact that we can’t change others, a next step may be praying for them. I love the structure of this book and the idea behind giving our relationships, and the other person, over to God. This book has 30 chapters, so my suggestion is to read a chapter/prayer each day. If you like this book, there is also Power of a Praying Husband and Power of a Praying Parent.