Limiting the power of our limiting beliefs

Limiting the power of our limiting beliefs

Ever find that you hold back from doing something…being something…pursuing something…showing up in your relationships? A lot goes into our decision to not do something, but typically at the core is a “limiting belief.” (also known as core belief or false belief). Note...
Living as Your True Self

Living as Your True Self

Do you feel tired, burnt out, frustrated, irritable? These feelings could be the result of so many things, but I am encouraging you with this post to examine whether it could be from the disconnect between living as your true self versus living as others expect you to...
What are Core Values?

What are Core Values?

Examining your core values may be a totally new concept to some of you, but it is one of the most frequent exercises/concepts I work through with my clients. I counsel a lot of women and many of them feel overwhelmed, under-fulfilled, anxious, over-committed, or...
Communication Breakdowns and Repairs

Communication Breakdowns and Repairs

Another reader blog topic request came in a while back asking about common communication breakdowns and ways to correct or repair. For this topic, I am going to turn to The Gottman Institute, one of the leading researchers on relationships. John Gottman calls the top...
Counseling Fees: Insurance vs. Self-Pay

Counseling Fees: Insurance vs. Self-Pay

One of the first questions I usually get from prospective clients is about my fees and whether I take insurance. The answer, is “No, I do not take insurance at this time.” The conversation can sometimes end there as many are convinced that they want to use their...