How many new year’s resolutions have you made and kept? What about those you have not kept? Why do they tend to be so unsuccessful? Have you heard the saying, “a goal without a plan is just a wish?” I have tried many different approaches over the years and been more successful with a couple of ideas rather than the traditional new year’s resolution. The key seems to be assigning action steps to your goals. Three different ideas for approaching a new year’s resolution are making a traditional goal, choosing a word for the year, or picking one area of your life on which to focus.

  1. Choosing a traditional goal
    1. Make a specific, targeted goal. Ex: Lose 10 pounds.
    2. Next, examine what you are currently doing in your life. Evaluate if any of those things are working or look for areas that need change.
    3. Then, assign 3-5 action steps to achieve this goal. Ex: Do 20-30 minutes of exercise 3-4 days a week.
    4. Also, it’s important to be realistic. Dream big, but take your current life into account. If your goals and action steps aren’t realistic, most likely you will not achieve your goal.
    5. Lastly, schedule these action steps into your calendar. Write them in your planner, or schedule them on your online calendar. If you don’t schedule them, you will find something else to do with your time.
  2. Choose one word for the year
    1. Those who are proponents of this idea, suggest you start a few weeks before the new year (although its never too late to start) and think about areas of your life you want to focus on. If you are spiritual, pray about what needs focus in your life.
    2. Write down words that come to mind, and think on those words for a few days or weeks before you choose one. Example words: rest, love, peace, joy, balance, etc. .
    3. Just like with a traditional goal, you then need to attach action steps to the word.
    4. Write out your word and action steps, and put them in a place you see them everyday.
    5. Read through that list each day at the beginning of your day.
  3. Focus on one area of your life
    1. So many times, we want to make so many new changes at once. My suggestion is to pick one area of your life to focus on. For instance, physical, mental, spiritual, relationships, etc.
    2. Then, just like with the other two ideas, make realistic goals and action steps. I suggest no more than three goals at a time.
    3. Again, coming back to these goals and steps each day and reminding yourself of your goals, will keep them top of mind.

Overall, the main point is to attach actionable steps to your goals and keep them in front of you daily in order to keep them in the front of your mind. Last year, I chose the word Surrender. I typed out a sheet, with a cool font, put the word at the top of the page and then wrote our four areas of my life where I wanted to focus on surrender. After printing it, I put it next to my computer where I see it daily. This has been a great way for me to realistically focus on something in my life with intention. It’s been so fun to see how Surrender has been such a key part of 2018.

Click here to read more about my word for 2019.

Happy New Year! Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.