I had another topic on hand today, but I was feeling the mom guilt this morning so I am going with it. You know what I mean by mom guilt, right? That feeling that you aren’t enough, aren’t doing enough, aren’t doing it right…your kids aren’t in the right activities, or enough activities…balancing work and home life…leftovers again for dinner…to volunteer for school activities or not…am I treating both kids fairly…and just the overall feeling of whether you are “messing up” your children. Anyone else know what I mean or have days where the feeling of mom guilt is just so heavy?

My own story of mom guilt

If you were to have been a fly on the wall in my house this morning, you wouldn’t have noticed anything out of the ordinary. Kids got up on time, lunches packed and out the door. The sun was even shining! For those of us in Michigan in May, this can make all the difference. So what was different about today? My youngest daughter has a field trip today. I haven’t been able to be at any of the other field trips this year, (I signed up for one but did not get chosen) so I was feeling especially guilty that I was not able to attend this one either. To those on the outside, this may not seem like a big deal. And really, in the large scheme of things, its probably not. She was not upset by it even. It’s just weird how the mom guilt just sneaks right in there. And it just lingers, racing through your head.

Looking at the big picture

So, how do I combat the mom guilt? Simply, I try to look at the bigger picture. Overall, are my children well taken care of, and most importantly, do they know I love them? In addition, I try to remember they will most likely not even remember this specific day in particular as they look back on their school years. But, they will remember how I made them feel. Plus, I know I am at all of the major events/milestones in their lives.

Give yourselves a break moms!! You are doing a good job!! Acknowledge the guilt if its there, but choose an attitude of gratitude today that God has blessed you with special little ones and they love you!

Watch our video on mom guilt: