One of the first questions I usually get from prospective clients is about my fees and whether I take insurance. The answer, is “No, I do not take insurance at this time.” The conversation can sometimes end there as many are convinced that they want to use their insurance to pay for their counseling sessions. I want to continue the conversation and educate prospective clients on some reasons that out-of-pocket, self-pay may be a good option for your counseling needs.

**First of all, each person needs to do their own research and spend time thinking about how they want to invest in their mental health wellness. Self-pay may not be the best option for everyone, but it may be a better option for more people than you think.

Things to think about and you may not know when it comes to paying for mental health counseling:

  1. We are considered an out-of-network provider, so depending on your insurance company, although we don’t bill insurance directly, you may be able to seek reimbursement for our services. You would need to call your insurance company and inquire about your out-of-network benefits. It varies in coverage from 0-100% but its worth a phone call to find out. If you were able to get reimbursement, you would receive a Superbill from us to submit to your insurance company at the end of each month.
  2. When insurance is billed (even with the option above) a mental health diagnosis must be assigned to the client by the clinician. Many people do not know this, and many people may not want a diagnosis attached to their medical records. This is a personal decision. At other times, a diagnosis may be helpful in order to obtain the proper resources.
  3. My fees are typically cheaper than those practices that take insurance.
  4. You may be able to use your Health Savings Account or Flex-Spending depending on your coverage. Again, you would need to check into your coverage.
  5. Many people have high deductibles, so even if you try to use your insurance, you may end up paying out of pocket anyways.
  6. Sometimes billing insurance forces the clinician into a set number of sessions or utilizing a particular treatment modality.
  7. Self-pay allows much more freedom for the client and the clinician to have a bigger voice in their mental health care!
  8. Those who pay completely out of pocket for counseling are sometimes more invested and open to change.

As many of you know, navigating health care and insurance can be overwhelming and confusing. If you have any questions about fees, payment options or other concerns, please reach out and contact us for more information.