Ah, the Enneagram. It’s something I am totally nerding out on right now. Before you exit out of this blog, because you think this is just like any other personality typing system, hear me out. The Enneagram is different and I would like to help you understand why. It’s not only useful in understanding yourself better but also for sparking compassion and understanding for those around you.

How I first learned about the Enneagram

I first encountered the Enneagram while doing my counseling internship. I had heard the word here and there but honestly had no idea what it was all about. When looking to my supervisor for a new book to read, he suggested I read a book on the Enneagram. I started to dive into one of the books on his shelf and was instantly fascinated but knew I needed a much more entry level understanding. Around the same time, a colleague told me about an upcoming Enneagram workshop and I knew the timing couldn’t be better. Originally, I thought this would be a way to better understand my clients. While that is true, it really led me on a journey to better understand myself.

What is it?

The Enneagram is an ancient personality typing system that dates back centuries. It is made up of  9 numbers in a circle and everybody can typically identify strongly with one of the numbers. There are also wings and arrows that further describe someone, but that’s for another day. What I appreciate most about the Enneagram is not that it gives us an excuse to say, “well, that’s just the way I am.” On the contrary it leads to self-discovery and awareness leading us to step out of auto pilot and live more intentionally inline with who we truly are and become healthier versions of ourselves. Instead of stagnation, the Enneagram has the ability to help in the process of transformation.

How do I discover my Enneagram number?

So, where does one start if they are interested in learning more? My first recommendation is to purchase the book “The Road Back to You” by Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile. This book is very user friendly and Cron and Stabile do an amazing job of truly writing a primer on what can be a complex system.

The next step is to take one of the online tests. CAUTION: Do not just take the test and assume it’s correct and that is your number. It’s only the beginning. Most tests will narrow it down to three or so numbers. This leads to the next step which is to read the descriptions in the book mentioned above, and begin to explore which best describes you. It is said to think to when you were the ages of 5-20 as this best captures who you really are. It is also said, that you will know your number when you are uncomfortable reading about it. I always say, it sort of sees into your soul.

In my experience, just knowing my number and reading the basics, helped me to gain self-awareness and a desire for positive change, unlike any other typing system I have encountered. I wanted to be a better version of myself and get back in touch with my core traits in a healthy way. I also took part in a 7 hour workshop which was extremely helpful in dialoguing with others and assisting me in being honest with myself about who I truly am and what personality traits I have adopted in order to adapt.

What the Enneagram is not

Word of warning, do not use the Ennegram to type others or as a weapon against others who may not be as self aware. If anything, the Enneagram should catapult your self-compassion and understanding of perhaps why others do what they do.

If you have any questions, or you would like assistance in discovering your type, please contact me. I do not claim to be an Enneagram expert but I am thrilled to be a student of the Enneagram and continue to take in knowledge to assist others in their self-discovery journey.