So, it’s been officially a year since I opened the doors of Restorative Counseling Center. It has been an amazing year and with the new year rolling around, and the anniversary of opening the doors, I have had some time for some reflections on this past year and my work as a counselor.

In 2019, my first year in solo private practice, I was able to serve 34 clients in over 300 sessions. As I ran those reports, yes, it generates numbers, but to me, there is a connection to each life journey represented there. My clients are more than numbers.

Four main themes or reflections I had as I looked over this last year:

  1. My favorite moments of counseling are when clients have their “Aha” moments. That moment when they finally get it, they finally see it…and it just clicks. That moment where readiness to change…gained insight…and hard work come together. This doesn’t happen in every session but when it does, it makes all the hours spent worth it.
  2. I am daily reminded of the amazing privilege and honor it is to walk alongside people through some of their deepest hurts and most intimate thoughts. It never ceases to amaze me that people choose me to open up to, to walk with them, and the trust they instill in me. I do not take this responsibility lightly and it’s what keeps me passionate about my work.
  3. I honestly believe I learn more from my clients than they learn from me. I strive to be more of a guide than an instructor. My clients teach me so much as they are the experts in their lives, and they are the ones being vulnerable, showing up and truly doing the hard work. Each client is different (even if symptoms present the same) and I love learning more in order to help tailor treatment to their specifics needs.
  4. My clients make me want to be a better person. As I watch my clients work hard to overcome challenges, it motivates me to do the same in my life.

It’s been an awesome year and I can’t wait to see who God brings into my practice in 2020! If you are one of my clients THANK YOU for trusting me and showing up (physically, emotionally, mentally) session after session. And if you are a friend or family member, thanks for your support over the last few years!

Watch the video where I share more of my reflections.