A question I get asked a lot is, “How do I find a good counselor?” I think the most important word in this question is the word “good.” If you asked me this question, I would then ask you to define “good.” Doing this helps you look at what it is you are looking for in a counselor and what you are looking to get out of counseling. These are important in order to find the best fit. What is most important to you? Geographic location, gender, religious affiliation, specialty, recommendation from third party, experience, education. While all of these things can be important aspects, the most important aspect my clients highlight as most helpful to their healing is feeling comfortable, connected, heard and understood by their counselor.

So how do I find the right counselor?

Here are some suggestions:

  1. Ask a close friend or family member, or someone you trust like a pastor or doctor, who has similar values, if they have any recommendations.
  2. After doing a search for counselors in your area, go to their websites and read their biographical information. Look for their “voice” behind their writing to see if you connect with what they are saying.
  3. Look over the counseling websites and bios to seek those whose values align with your own.
  4. Seek counselors who have specialty areas matching your symptoms and needs. Some counselors will see everyone dealing with everything. My suggestion is to find a counselor that gets what you are struggling with and sees clients similar to you.
  5. Once you have a list of a few counselors that appeal to you, contact them to see if they offer a free phone consultation. Hearing their voice and connecting with them over the phone can give you an idea of how it would feel to be in a session with them.

Vulnerability, and being open and honest with your counselor, is going to lead to the most authentic and longest lasting healing. Connection and rapport are key in order for this to happen. Take your time, do your research and connect with the right counselor to fit your unique needs.

What is some evidence that tells you that you have a good connection with someone? Leave a comment and let me know.

Learn more about my approach to counseling.

Watch our facebook live video on choosing a counselor: