Invest in yourself: You matter

Invest in yourself: You matter

The industry of personal development/self-help is huge. A quick google search tells me it’s over $11 BILLION. You may be one of those people, like I have been in the past, that has read a lot of self-help books and followed a lot of self-help authors. Now, don’t get...
Being an introvert in an extroverted world

Being an introvert in an extroverted world

Do you get energy from being around people or being alone? When you feel tired, stressed or burnt out, do you re-energize by being in the company of others or by resting alone? These are the best questions I have heard to help decipher if you are an introvert or an...
Personality masks we wear

Personality masks we wear

My client takes the piece of paper from me. On one side is the picture of a blank mask, on the other is the same picture of a blank mask. I then walk them through a personal, raw, emotional, and possibly spiritual experiential exercise in which they examine how others...
Word of the Year – 2021

Word of the Year – 2021

I have had the practice of choosing a word of the year for the last handful of years. It’s a grounding practice for me, that allows me to focus on an intention for my life rather than a general goal. I also set goals, because that fits my personality, but the word of...
Identity – what, or who, defines you?

Identity – what, or who, defines you?

Phew, it’s been a couple of weeks since I have shared on the blog. No excuses, just a really full schedule. Using this space to share my thoughts is really important to me, but I also want to share content that is helpful and authentic. I came across something this...