Invest in yourself: You matter

Invest in yourself: You matter

The industry of personal development/self-help is huge. A quick google search tells me it’s over $11 BILLION. You may be one of those people, like I have been in the past, that has read a lot of self-help books and followed a lot of self-help authors. Now, don’t get...
How to build self-confidence

How to build self-confidence

Hands shaking…sweating…anxious…constantly aware of how others are perceiving me…trying to control situations between friends…this was middle school for me. When I think about the epitome of low self-confidence, I think of this time in my life. And honestly, from that...
Self-care in the nooks and crannies

Self-care in the nooks and crannies

I am seeing the exhaustion, the weariness, the overwhelm, the anxiety of so many around me. While self-care has been a buzz word for a while now, and many have learned the importance of taking care ourselves, it might look a little different right now. So many things...
Power of Morning Routines

Power of Morning Routines

I am not by nature a morning person. I have been known to set my alarm early enough to be able to press snooze a couple of times, my husband knows not to have deep conversations with me in the first hour I am awake, and I love a good Saturday morning sleep in. All of...