Word of the Year – 2021

Word of the Year – 2021

I have had the practice of choosing a word of the year for the last handful of years. It’s a grounding practice for me, that allows me to focus on an intention for my life rather than a general goal. I also set goals, because that fits my personality, but the word of...
Living on the Edge of Uncertainty

Living on the Edge of Uncertainty

Finding yourself more tired lately? I have definitely been noticing it for myself and those close to me. I came to a conclusion the other day that I believe it’s from constantly living on the edge of uncertainty. When we live with so much unknown and so many things...
Self-compassion: Why we need it more than ever

Self-compassion: Why we need it more than ever

You feel drawn to help others, care for others, or pray for others, but you find yourself continuing to mentally beat yourself up for mistakes you make and things you aren’t doing. Compassion…a word I have had in my vocabulary for decades. Self-compassion…not so much....
Living as Your True Self

Living as Your True Self

Do you feel tired, burnt out, frustrated, irritable? These feelings could be the result of so many things, but I am encouraging you with this post to examine whether it could be from the disconnect between living as your true self versus living as others expect you to...