A path toward peace: Part one

A path toward peace: Part one

During times like this (this is written in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic), it is easy to feel anxious, unsettled, uncertain, lonely, and fearful. Take a moment and allow yourself to feel those emotions. Those emotions inform us and tell us things. I knew as I...
Guide to Recognizing Your Emotions

Guide to Recognizing Your Emotions

Last week, we talked about emotions and how they are neither good nor bad, but we can use them to teach and inform us. We also talked about emotional vocabulary and properly naming the emotion you are feeling. If you missed that post, click here to read it before you...
Emotions: Good or bad?

Emotions: Good or bad?

When you think of emotions, like mad, sad, glad, do you automatically think that some of those feelings are “good” and some are “bad?” You are not alone if you tend to categorize emotions into those two categories. Many of us were raised and taught to think that some...
Emotions Around the Holidays

Emotions Around the Holidays

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…right?!?! I am sitting here drinking hot chocolate, with Christmas music playing and the light of the tree lighting up the room BUT I am also wrapping presents, trying to remember all the things on my to do list and what the...
Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety

Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety

So many of my clients, and frankly so many of my friends and family, struggle with anxiety to some degree. For many, it varies from day to day, but as you become more self-aware and begin to notice early signs of anxiety, I encourage you to try out some of these...
What is Mindfulness?

What is Mindfulness?

As mental health continues to get more air time, mindfulness is another buzzword trending. The thing many people do not know, is mindfulness has been around for centuries. So, what is mindfulness and how can you apply it to your life? I am hoping to offer a brief...