Loneliness: Questions to Ask

Loneliness: Questions to Ask

In a world where we are more connected than ever, loneliness is more of a problem than I believe it has ever been before. As you read this blog post, you will probably find it is filled with more questions than answers. Part of change is creating awareness. I hope...
Establishing a Gratitude Practice

Establishing a Gratitude Practice

One of the best ways to combat negativity or negative thinking in your life, is to establish a gratitude practice. Below are four steps to starting this practice: Step #1: Start a gratitude journal. Find or purchase a small notebook in which you can write down at...
What is Mindfulness?

What is Mindfulness?

As mental health continues to get more air time, mindfulness is another buzzword trending. The thing many people do not know, is mindfulness has been around for centuries. So, what is mindfulness and how can you apply it to your life? I am hoping to offer a brief...
Tips for Surviving the Winter Blues

Tips for Surviving the Winter Blues

Depending on how you feel about the cold, snow and ice, winter can be a tough season to get through, and some of us experience the winter blues. For us here in Michigan, we thought winter was never going to show up, but when it did, it came on with full force and has...
Do I Have Depression?

Do I Have Depression?

Do you find yourself feeling stuck, or that there is no hope? Life just isn’t as fun as it used to be and everything seems so hard and to take so much effort? Things that used to bring joy just don’t anymore? We all go through difficult seasons, and times where we...