Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety

Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety

So many of my clients, and frankly so many of my friends and family, struggle with anxiety to some degree. For many, it varies from day to day, but as you become more self-aware and begin to notice early signs of anxiety, I encourage you to try out some of these...
What is Mindfulness?

What is Mindfulness?

As mental health continues to get more air time, mindfulness is another buzzword trending. The thing many people do not know, is mindfulness has been around for centuries. So, what is mindfulness and how can you apply it to your life? I am hoping to offer a brief...
8 Ways to Help Anxiety and Worry

8 Ways to Help Anxiety and Worry

In the previous blog post, I shared some ways to decipher the difference between Generalized Anxiety and more common every day worry. In this blog post, I will share some practical ways to help anxiety and every day worry. Eight tips to help anxiety and worry: Tip #1:...
Do I need help for my anxiety?

Do I need help for my anxiety?

Many of us have “anxiety” or general worry about things in everyday life. For instance, wondering if you will be able to pay all of your bills this month. Worrying about the safety of your loved ones as they travel. It could even be fear over giving a presentation at...