I get asked a lot about the books I am personally reading, and also clients come in and want resources on a certain topic. You can watch the live video I did recently on Facebook where I talk about these books but I thought I would also do a write up on books I find myself recommending frequently. This list is not all-inclusive, yet rather favorites of mine.

The Road Back to You by Ian Cron & Suzanne Stabile

If you have been following me for a little while, you know I am a big fan of the Enneagram. After reading several books on the topic, I would highly recommend this title as the one that offers the best introduction to the nine personality types. It also offers great summary pages for quick reference on each type along with ways to move toward a healthier version of your type. This is a great primer and a great book to have on your shelf for reference.

Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend

This bestselling classic is a must for anyone feeling overwhelmed, like their life is out of control or finds themselves in difficult relationships. Or, if you find yourself struggling with when to say ‘yes’ or when to say ‘no’ this is the book for you. This practical book walks you through how to set up appropriate and healthy boundaries in your life.

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman, PhD.

John Gottman and The Gottman Institute are some of the leading researchers on relationships. This is a book I use frequently when working with couples and it offers some practical steps and tools for intentionally working on your relationship with your spouse. These methods are proven and backed by research and really strive to rebuild the foundation of marriage. Gottman has many other books that would be great resources as well.

The Five Love Languages and The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman

Another classic, this is a book, or at least a concept that I touch on with every couple and with most parents. Many times, couples come in with the best of intentions, and truly feel like they are showing love to their partner, but they are missing each other because they are expressing it in a way that is not received fully from their partner, or child. The five love languages are Gifts, Quality Time, Physical Touch, Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation. The book includes a quiz to do with your partner, or child, and then ways to show and receive that language.

The Body Keeps the Score by Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk

This book is not a light read, and slightly more clinical, but it is worth the investment if you are someone supporting an individual that has gone through trauma. Van Der Kolk is a top expert in the field and really walks the reader through how trauma is processed in the body and the brain, along with the impact this has on the individual. It also includes treatment methods for trauma. While you may not want or need to read every page of this book, it can be a great resource. *Note: if you yourself have been through trauma, this book may be triggering for you.

Please contact us if you would like resources on a particular topic, or with any other questions regarding these books.

Watch our video where I talk about the five books I recommend: