“We have bought the lie that we are victims of our thoughts rather than warriors equipped to fight on the front lines of the greatest battle of our generation: the battle of our minds.” She (Jennie Allen) had me from page 4.

I have always been an avid reader. I remember loving the school library and always having a fiction book I was reading; I still love this. But, over the last decade or so, and especially since my time in seminary, I have transitioned to reading mostly nonfiction. Most of these books are Christian self-help/mental health resources. Most of what I read has a few nuggets of wisdom here and there, but recently I have read a couple of books that I can see recommending to the vast majority of my clients. I thought, why not begin to write some book reviews?

About the author

This first book review will be of the book “Get Out of Your Head,” by Jennie Allen. If you don’t know Jennie Allen, she is the founder of IF: Gathering, and is a speaker and writer to Christian women across the country. This is the first book I have read of hers. I was only a few pages in when I realized this book was going to be such a practical help to so many of my clients, along with friends and family.

Book summary

What the Bible teaches us about our thought life (like taking every thought captive) is backed by science, possibly more than you realize. This book brings together scripture, and psychology, to guide you through how to fight the battle in your mind. I was so encouraged that so much of what she shares is what I walk through with so many of my clients. But in the way a crafted author can, she puts it together in a flow that is extremely helpful. I also appreciate the practical visuals and tools she includes in the chapters.

The main theme of this book is, “I have a choice.” It may feel like our thought life is out of control, out of our control, but Allen shows us how to examine our thoughts, and pivot them in a healthy, God-centered way. She dissects seven common lies we believe and puts them up against the truth of God’s Word. This is not “slap a Bible verse on it and everything will be better approach” however, it pairs God’s truth with how to practically apply it.

This book is for you if…

…you struggle with your thought life, and feel like you are “stuck” in your head.

…you like practical application of scripture.

…you struggle with anxiety or depression.

…you like structure to help you with follow through.

…you are a visual learner. (Jennie offers some helpful flow charts and “worksheets.”)

…you need help sorting through your thoughts.

…you desire to know God’s heart about your thought life.

…you want to see change in your thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Need more help?

While this book can be very helpful, if you struggle with deeper anxiety or depression, you may benefit from a counselor who can journey through these concepts with you. Contact us today to see if we might be a good fit.

Watch our video explaining more.

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Get your copy of “Get Out of Your Head” here.