Depending on how you feel about the cold, snow and ice, winter can be a tough season to get through, and some of us experience the winter blues. For us here in Michigan, we thought winter was never going to show up, but when it did, it came on with full force and has been relentless ever since. So many snow days, I have lost count.

Some people experience depression-like symptoms during the fall and winter months. For some, these may be severe enough to warrant a label/diagnosis of depression, but for many others, it’s just a tough time of year. Perhaps you feel sad, irritable or you find it hard to get out of bed in the morning. You might even find yourself craving carbohydrates or overeating. There are ways to combat these symptoms.

Tips for combating the winter blues:

  • Stay active. Do some sort of light exercise everyday like walking on a treadmill (or outside if the weather permits), weight lifting, swimming (many schools have open swim times), or even just taking the stairs when you have the opportunity.
  • Do things that bring you joy. Although the top of your list may be going to the beach, make a list of things you enjoy doing that can be done in the winter. Things like painting, craft projects, home decorating, reading, going to the movies, etc. And even better if these activities are shared with a friend.
  • Participate in social activities. When you have the opportunity to gather with friends or loved ones, take advantage of it. Sometimes this may be the last thing you want to do, but typically once you are there and involved, you feel better for going.
  • Drink lots of water and eat healthy. Again, this may be the last thing you feel like doing, but staying hydrated and filling your body with nutritious food has a huge impact on your mood. On the flip side, don’t beat yourself up if you indulge from time to time.
  • Plan a vacation. Just for fun, even if you have no plans of going anywhere. It can be fun to look at pictures of beaches and warm places. Or if you are able, plan a short getaway for a long weekend during the middle of the winter. Sometimes you can find reduced airfare for a spontaneous trip.
  • Know when to get help. If you feel stuck in a depressive cycle, and nothing seems to help, contact someone to talk with as you may be facing a more serious condition.

What is your favorite way of dealing with the long winter months?