You may have heard of the recent trend of choosing a word for the year rather than a resolution. I adopted this practice in 2017 and you can read more about it in my post about new years resolutions. In 2017, my word was Love and in 2018, my word was Surrender. Going into 2018, I knew there were a lot of elements and aspects of my life that were out of my control. As a total control freak, Type A, I knew it would be a year of growth and would probably go a lot smoother if I did not wrestle with God over control of my life. This has been a constant battle for me in my adult life.

I really battled with choosing a word for this year. I had a few I was toying with but nothing seemed to stick. January 1 arrived and I still had not chosen my word. I had almost given up and settled with a word until this morning when my word just came to me. I tried to fight it a little as this is another area of my life in which I struggle. But hey, isn’t the whole point of a word, a goal, or a resolution, to better yourself and achieve growth and progress??

So, what is my word this year…?


My word for 2019 is Present. No, not like a gift, but like being fully present in life. Like a lot of people, I can dwell in the past or anticipate the future. When I live like this, I am missing out on so much in the here and now. So, I am challenging myself to be more present. Present in my spiritual journey and time with God. Fully present with my husband and children (you know, not thinking of my to-do list or checking my phone). Focused fully on my clients when I am in session, really listening, not just hearing. Present when I am working out or eating and really thinking about the intention in those activities. And lastly, fully present in my rest. That will be a tough one for me. I am a doer, a task oriented person. I need to prioritize rest and self-care in my life.

What is your word? I would love to hear about it.