When your partner isn’t ready for couples counseling

When your partner isn’t ready for couples counseling

So, you know your relationship could benefit from couples counseling, but your spouse isn’t willing or ready? All hope is not lost! I had a client tell me the other day, “you are the only person that offers hope for my relationship.” Once someone is in a marriage, I...
5 spiritual disciplines to lower anxiety

5 spiritual disciplines to lower anxiety

s a mental health provider that focuses on working with women and anxiety, one of my biggest passions when working with Christian women, is helping them to see how the Bible offers a framework for overcoming anxiety. Because my approach involves seeing my clients...
Word of the Year – 2021

Word of the Year – 2021

I have had the practice of choosing a word of the year for the last handful of years. It’s a grounding practice for me, that allows me to focus on an intention for my life rather than a general goal. I also set goals, because that fits my personality, but the word of...