Mom Guilt

Mom Guilt

I had another topic on hand today, but I was feeling the mom guilt this morning so I am going with it. You know what I mean by mom guilt, right? That feeling that you aren’t enough, aren’t doing enough, aren’t doing it right…your kids aren’t in the right activities,...
Making Decisions Based on Core Values

Making Decisions Based on Core Values

The last two weeks, I have shared my thoughts on core values, and today I want to look at how knowing your core values can streamline your decision making. Each day is filled with decision after decision. There are simple decisions like what to eat for breakfast, or...
Using Core Values for Time Management

Using Core Values for Time Management

One of the reasons I feel like so many women are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, depressed is the perceived lack of control in their schedules/time management. Time management is such a stuffy word that appears to only apply itself in the corporate world. When I think...