The Value of Vacations

The Value of Vacations

As I post this blog today, I am actually away on vacation someplace south with warmth and ocean waves. My husband and I started doing this annual trip four years ago. Although it has not always been easy financially, we have always made it a priority. We don’t spend a...
Communication Breakdowns and Repairs

Communication Breakdowns and Repairs

Another reader blog topic request came in a while back asking about common communication breakdowns and ways to correct or repair. For this topic, I am going to turn to The Gottman Institute, one of the leading researchers on relationships. John Gottman calls the top...
Counseling Fees: Insurance vs. Self-Pay

Counseling Fees: Insurance vs. Self-Pay

One of the first questions I usually get from prospective clients is about my fees and whether I take insurance. The answer, is “No, I do not take insurance at this time.” The conversation can sometimes end there as many are convinced that they want to use their...
Simple Self-Care

Simple Self-Care

Last week, I talked about the importance of self-care in order for you to be fully present with others during the other parts of your day. Today I would like to share simple ways to weave self-care into the nooks and crannies of our lives. Although I don’t like the...
Self-care Isn’t Selfish at All

Self-care Isn’t Selfish at All

I talk to so many women who are helpers, doers, and really genuinely concerned about the well-being of others. These are all great things, there is nothing wrong with any of them. However, these same women are tired, stressed, overwhelmed, anxious and lonely. These...