Loving people vs. people pleasing
A common struggle among those I work with is people-pleasing. They spend a lot of their lives trying to keep those around them “happy.” These constant people-pleasing behaviors leave them feeling exhausted, anxious, bitter, resentful, frustrated, and lonely among...
Reduce anxiety by honoring Sabbath
I (Nicole) was recently on a podcast talking about my personal rhythm of observing the Sabbath. As a follower of God, and the Christian faith, I know that God asks us to honor the Sabbath. When preparing for this interview, and after participating, I realized how...
Invest in yourself: You matter
The industry of personal development/self-help is huge. A quick google search tells me it’s over $11 BILLION. You may be one of those people, like I have been in the past, that has read a lot of self-help books and followed a lot of self-help authors. Now, don’t get...
Is telehealth counseling effective?
For the last 18 months, I have been seeing 100% of my clients online. This includes clients I saw pre-pandemic along with new clients that started in the last 18 months. I still remember the date. March 16th. It was the first day I ever held a telehealth counseling...
What to do with the what-if’s
What if I get in an accident? What if my child doesn’t get into college? What if I get let go from my job? What if my husband leaves me? What if this pain never goes away? For those who suffer from anxiety, the what-if questions are continuously going through...
Circle of Control
Too often we spend our mental energy on things we can’t control leaving us anxious, overwhelmed, hopeless, and exhausted. I am excited to share a tool with you today that allows you to find the freedom that comes from releasing what was never ours to “own.” How much...