Premarital Counseling
You’re getting married!! There is great joy, celebration, and blissful love that surrounds a couple on the path to marriage. In marriage, just like the wedding, you want to be prepared for the expected and unexpected situations to handle them well. Counseling gives you practical tools, outlines areas of focus specific to you as a couple, and provides the opportunity to have these discussions.
Planning for success
Planning a wedding can be stressful as you are faced with decision after decision of flowers, cake, guests, wedding party, etc. The wedding is one day, depending on your culture and traditions, maybe a week. Marriage is a lifetime. The number of conversations and how each of you envisions your relationship and life together are incredibly essential. Do you know what these conversations entail? Will you be intentional in diving deep into your past, upbringing, and expectations as well as your partner’s?

What does premarital counseling look like?
Together with your partner and a trained counselor, you identify areas of strength and areas of growth through the Prepare/Enrich model. In taking the assessment and receiving personalized questions and feedback, couples are better prepared and decrease their risk of divorce by 30%. Sessions specifically dedicated to communication, finances, parenting, spiritual beliefs, conflict resolution, relationship roles, and building love maps provide a solid foundation for a healthy marriage relationship. Practical tools such as budgeting and how to argue respectfully are only a glimpse of what is received.
Is it really necessary?
Planning a wedding is time consuming in our already busy lives, is it really a big deal if you don’t invest in premarital counseling? YES!! With any lifestyle change, the more prepared and the more willing one is to invest time and energy early in the transition, the better the outcome. A couple could be together for years prior to getting married and not have any of the conversations that are crucial to better understanding their partner and themself. Counseling takes the pressure off the couple to ask the right questions and provides a more neutral approach. Are you or someone you know getting married and desire to enter into marriage confident with the tools necessary to help your relationship thrive? Contact us today to get started.